This endpoint allows you to get job postings for a given company.
How to use this endpoint
When looking for a given company job postings, you can use Mantiks Enrich job postings endpoint.
You can get all job postings for a given company, or if needed filter them based on your criteria.
You can include or exclude keywords inside the job title or the job description, and play with the job publication date.
Filtrering jobs based on keywords
Note that when you are filtrering company jobs based on keywords, the API will give you an exact match between your keyword and job title or job description.
For instance: as providing "sales" in keyword will match "sales development representative". But it will not match "business developer"
If you need more keyword to complete your search, enter several keywords in the array of strings.
Filtrering jobs based on locations
This endpoint allows you to filter jobs based on locations. To filter on locations, use location ids.
Location ids can be found in the next endpoint of this section Location endpoint.
How credit are consumed
When your request is a success and we match job data corresponding to your criteria, 1 credit is consumed. No matter the volume of the job postings found.
When your request is a success but we didn't find any jobs matching your criteria, no credits are consumed.
When your request is a failure no credits are consumed.